May 26, 2023

Modern automatic transmissions are remarkably sophisticated, often containing over 800 moving parts. This makes serious transmission problems almost as complex to repair as a catastrophic engine malfunction. For this reason, it’s wise to take really good care of your transmission: always keep an eye out for any of the following six warning signs of trouble. If you notice any of these six issues, have a technician carry out transmission repair without delay. 

Strange Whining Sounds

Automatic transmissions may begin to emit whining or humming noises when malfunctioning. You might be able to identify the source of the noise by when the whining occurs.

If it whines when you reverse, a clogged transmission line is often to blame. If it whines when you’re in gear, your torque converter might be faulty. And whining while you’re shifting gears often points to worn-down gears. Whatever the cause of the sound, it’s best to have a technician take a look right away.

Metallic Grinding Sounds

Gearbox trouble can also create metallic grinding noises, which is almost always the sound of gears and other moving components struggling against each other. This may simply mean your transmission fluid is low and needs topping up immediately. It might also indicate more serious problems. 

Sudden Engine Revving 

When the gears inside a gearbox aren’t engaging or disengaging properly, the engine will sometimes rev strongly for a second or two when you shift. This is the engine trying to transmit power through to the wheels, which have suddenly become disconnected. Any loud revving while shifting is usually a sign of developing transmission trouble and should be inspected promptly. 

Gears Struggling To Shift

With automatic transmissions, the first sign of slipping gears might be a feeling of hesitancy when you shift. With more severe problems, gears might stick and refuse to change at all. 

Gears Shifting By Themselves

One of the scariest transmission issues is when gears change all on their own. Your car might suddenly pop from first or second gear into neutral. Needless to say, this is a dangerous situation that requires the immediate attention of a technician.

Puddles of Transmission Fluid

Most transmission problems stem from low or aging transmission fluid. When transmission fluid diminishes or degrades, it can no longer lubricate the gears properly, nor keep the temperature down. It’s therefore essential to always have fresh, high-quality transmission fluid in your car.

Leaking fluid can fast lead to far worse transmission problems. If a cracked or loosened pan gasket, driveshaft seal, axel seal, or torque pump springs a leak, the rest of your transmission won’t last much longer if you don’t quickly find and fix the problem. If a leak ever occurs, you might notice a red or brown fluid puddling under your car. 

Have your transmission examined and repaired today at Modern Motorcars. We’re a local family-owned dealership right here in the Ozarks.